Doggy daycare

Doggy daycare

Fun, socializing, and love when you can't be home

As one of the biggest indoor/outdoor doggy daycares in the Bay Area, Here, Doggy! has more space to run, wrestle, or just lie in the sun. Our packs are based on size and temperament, so we'll make sure to find the best group of friends for your best friend! 


  • Full day: $45

  • 10 pack: $420 ($42/day)

  • 20 pack: $740 ($37/day)

  • Monthly pass (30 consecutive days): $670

  • Half day (6 hrs or less): $32

  • Half day 10 pack: $295 ($29.50/half day)

  • Half day 20 pack: $545 ($27.25/half day)