doggy daycare
Fun, socializing, and love when you can't be home
As one of the biggest indoor/outdoor doggy daycares in the Bay Area, Here, Doggy! has more space to run, wrestle, or just lie in the sun. Our packs are based on size and temperament, so we'll make sure to find the best group of friends for your best friend!
Full day
Single day: $48
10 pack: $450 ($45/day)
20 pack: $860 ($43/day)
Monthly pass: $690 (best deal if your dog comes 18 or more days in 30-day period)*
8 visits per month: $328 ($41/day)*
12 visits per month: $468 ($39/day)*
Half day (6 hours or fewer)
Single half day: $35
Half day 10 pack: $340 ($34/half day)
Half day 20 pack: $640 ($32/half day)
8 half days per month: $248 ($31/half day)*
12 half days per month: $360 ($30/half day)*
*Monthly and per month packages are good for 30 consecutive days.
All packages are non-refundable. Weekend daycare is available on a limited basis depending on how many boarders we have staying with us.
For the safety and happiness of our guests, a free full-day temperament evaluation is required. Find out more on the application page.